Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Memories of Mike.

Mike was a great friend to me. Mike was a great friend to everyone. As I thought back over the short two months I spent knowing Mikey, I thought of all the great qualities he possessed. The main thing I noticed about Mike was his closeness to God. He always had something good to say about his relationship with God. Mike was a great testimony to all those around him. Another quality I notice about Mike was his infectious smile. I never saw him too depressed or overloaded with homework to smile about something. That smile made you feel like you had known Mike your whole life rather than just a few short weeks. Mike was always up for a little mischief and he always had a joke to share. I believe that Mike never met a stranger and I know he made a huge impact on my life. Although we are saddened by his passing, we must carry on with happiness knowing that Mike is rejoicing in Heaven. I know that his life is an inspiration to me and I am striving to live a Godly life so that one day I will be able to my friend in Heaven once again.

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